Marie Natale
Marie Natale started painting at the age of twelve encouraged by a teacher who recognized her early potential. Marie developed her talent through high school then went on to receive a Master degree in Art Education from Rowan University. Thus, began a lifelong love affair with creativity and art, which has manifested in a variety of achievements.
An early advocate of art education for children of all ages, Marie taught in the public school system for ten years, and won the acclaimed “Teacher of the Year Award.” Marie designed and painted covers for Exit Zero Magazine in Cape May, and Ocean City Magazine in Ocean City, both located in New Jersey. Her work is published in “Splash 14 – Best in Watercolor 2013” and “Splash 17 – Best in Watercolor 2016,” North Light Books.
A Signature Member of the Noyes Museum in Galloway, Marie has been exhibited in and captured many awards for her watercolors both locally and on the National level. Marie was awarded the Gold Medal of Honor in Aquamedia by Audubon Artists Inc. in 2013, and 2nd Place Silver medal winner in 2018. A signature member of both NJWCS and Philadelphia WCS, Marie Natale is an award winning and highly recognized artist who says her goal in life is to use her talents to make the world a brighter place while she continues to share with other the joy that art has brought to her life.