Are you stressed and looking for an artistic outlet? Creative writing has been used as a tool for developmental and therapeutic purposes for centuries. Join English instructor Cara Coble for a creative writing for wellness series to explore elements of personal and narrative writing which promote health and well-being. The course will explore poetry, expressive writing, creative journaling, personal narrative, narrative arc, character building, world building, and developing and editing your first draft.
February 14th: Join us for a poetry workshop to explore how to use poetry as a means for focused coping and artistic expression. All levels of writers are welcome; you may bring your own writing to edit or work in class to create new work.
February 21st: The Expressive Writing course will explore writing that comes from our core to express feelings, events, memories, objects, or people in the contents of a narrative. Expressive writing attempts to identify how you feel about what has happened and may be triggering or emotional for some participants.
February 28th: The creative journaling course will explore how simple meditation and journaling practices can help you clear the weeds of the mind in order to reconnect to your own inner guidance, wisdom, and truth. This course offers you personalized support and a framework for you to follow to help you build a daily practice.
March 6th: The personal narrative is a wonderful course for all ages, but can be especially helpful for sophomores and juniors working on their scholarship essays. In this course, I will attempt to help you to identify an influential place, event, or person from your life experience about which you can tell a story. Then, I will guide you as you build a narrative essay that relates that story and considers the impact it had on you, your worldview, and/or your life path.
March 13th: This writing workshop will explore the elements of a story that help to make it complete. Writing has been used as a therapeutic method, and understanding the narrative arc, character building, and world building can help to understand how to build a stronger story. This course could help to inspire struggling writers to develop more complete writing that could turn into published work.
March 20th: The final writing course will help to develop editing skills. We will discuss developing and editing your first drafts to help understand how to develop your voice as a writer and use your writing to tell your best story.
Attend 1 class, or the entire 6 week series. Whatever works best for you!